Dr. Siti Hasnah Kamarudin
Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Shah Alam
Dr. Siti Hasnah Kamarudin is currently working as a Senior Lecturer under the Eco-technology Bachelor’s degree Programme, School of Industrial Technology of Faculty of Applied Sciences in Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia. Her research interest is focusing on Ecotechnology, Materials, Nanocomposite and Biocomposite Technology as well as Environmental Technology. She received an award of “High Impact Publication Award” in 2021 as well as “Top Q1 UiTM Author and Prolific Author in UiTM” in 2022 for her dedication to publishing in high impact publication journals. To date, she has authored and co-authored several high impact indexed article journal publications including Materials and Design (Q1, Impact Factor: 7.991), Functional Composites and Structures (Q1, Impact Factor: 5.076), Polymers (Q1, Impact Factor: 4.329), Nanomaterials (Q1, Impact Factor: 4.034), Bioresources (Q2, Impact Factor: 1.614), Materials Testing (Q3, Impact Factor: 1.589), Indonesian Journal of Chemistry (Q3, Impact Factor:1.287) and Key Engineering Materials (Q3, Impact Factor; 0.45), books, book chapters, e-books, bulletins, e-bulletins as well as newspapers related to eco-green materials. She had been appointed as Experts Advisory Board Member for World Automotive and Autonomous 2021 as well as Scientific Committee Member and Keynote Speaker in 3rd International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology in London, UK, 2nd International Conference on Advanced Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology in Vienna, Austria for being eminent with significant expertise in her area. She was also invited by University Syiah Kuala, Banda Acheh to deliver the speech as a Keynote Speaker in the 4th International Conference on Agricultural Technology, Engineering and Environmental Science (ICATES 2022) and “World Summit on Automotive and Autonomous Systems” which virtually held on 17-18 September 2021 in Rome, Italy. She had been appointed by Asia Packaging Network 2021 as a Secretariat Member and Invited Speaker for the symposium. Recently, she had been invited as a Keynote Speaker cum Scientific Board in Polymer Science 2022 in Las Vegas, USA. She had delivered nearly 30 Invited Speakers at International Conference globally including Atlanta, Georgea, USA. She has won several gold medals under the award of research publications and innovations such as Gold award in IiDEX 2024, iIDEX 2023, Hyper Interdisplinary Conference Malaysia (HICMY) 2024 and 2023, (APN) (2021), Silver award in (IiiD) (2017), and Bronze award in (PRPI) (2007). She also has secured several research grants such as Fundamental Research Grant Early Career Research (FRGS EC), Special Research Collaboration (SRC) Grant and Geran Khas Prihatin (GPK) Grant amounting to RM 73,000. She was appointed as an Editor for ASEANA Journal, American Journal of Environmental Protection and World Journal of Textile Engineering and Technology. She had been appointed as a Judge for Malaysia Full Scholarship Award under JPA, Students Intake of Bachelor Degree of Education Programme under UiTM, Innovation Competition under JPPM, UiTM and recently in various International Conferences. Further information can be obtained from https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=XHQdKHEAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao and Linked In account: https://www.linkedin.com/in/siti-hasnah-kamarudin-700a00225/