Prof. Song-Jeng Huang
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Prof. Song-Jeng Huang, he received the Ph.D. in Dynamics and Strength of Machine, Instrument and Apparatus at MATI-Russian State University of Technology in 2000, and is currently a professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei Taiwan, ROC. His research focuses on Synthesis of Inorganic Nanotubes, Magnesium Hydrides Hydrogen Storage Materials, Metal Matrix Composite Materials, Bulk Nanomaterials made by Severe Plastic Deformation, and Bio-Medical Engineering (Microbial Fuel Cell System and Bio-Chip for Blood Coagulation Tester).
Dr. Huang worked as Visiting Professor (6/2006-5/2007) at School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Purdue University, USA; Visiting Scientist (9/2013-7/2014) at School of Chemistry, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel; Director of Science and Technology Division (10/2018-09/2022) of Ministry of Science and Technology (Taiwan) at Representative Office in Moscow for the Taipei-Moscow Economic and Cultural Coordination Commission.
Dr. Huanghas published 123 Journal papers. In recent 5 years(2018-2023), he obtained 9 project grants from NSTC and other organizations, and fruitfully published 71 journal papers and 22 conference papers. His google scholar h-indexis 22 (20 since 2018) and i10-index is47 (38 since 2018). Three of his invented technologies have been transferred to 3 private Taiwanese companies.
He has excellent cooperation with industries to implement his academic research results. Besides, Dr. Huang has received12 patents of metal-matrix composites and bio-chip detector. He has executed 4 bi-lateral international projects, including 3 Taiwan-Russia grants and 1 Taiwan-Slovak grant.
He is a co-founder (since 11/2014) of Winnoz Inc. (, which is a global network of specialists to provide winning innovations in biosensing technologies to the healthcare industry and the biomedical industry.
Prof. Song-Jeng Huang, supervising Micro- & Nano-Composite Materials Laboratory (MNCML, of Mechanical Engineering Dept. of TWIWAN TECH. His research focuses on Hydrogen Storage Materials (Magnesium Hydrides), Mg Metal Matrix Composite, Bulk Nanomaterials made by Severe Plastic Deformation, and Bio-Medical Engineering (Microbial Fuel Cell System, Novel Ti Implant and Bio-Chip for Blood Coagulation Tester), and Synthesis of Inorganic Nanotubes. There are 15 international students in MNCML pursuing master and PhD programs, including 5 Indian students.